If you are in contact with a student in distress and feel the need, or are requested, to offer support. It is important that you do so within the boundaries of what you feel comfortable doing.

It is important to note that if you are a member of staff at City St Georges, you are not expected to provide specialist welfare support and are only expected to provide appropriate support within the remit of your role. 

A student may disclose something worrying, or you may observe behaviours or actions that give cause for concern. These may happen suddenly, or over a period of time. If possible, please be transparent with the student about your concerns. It is good practice to ask them how they are, and whether they require any support. Early referral and raising of concerns is encouraged to increase the opportunities for providing support and tackling problems at a stage when they are likely to be more manageable. Prompt action can also help to minimise the impact on other staff members and students.

When supporting students experiencing difficulties, you can assist them in the following ways:

Notice - recognise the signs that give you concern

Respond - by acting on your concerns, and/or signposting to:

  • Student Health and Wellbeing provide students with practical, emotional and specialist disability related support. Students can complete the e-referral form to access these services.
  • Student Support Services are a multi-disciplinary team that provides support, expert advice and guidance to students. You can contact them through our Support@City platform
  • The Chaplaincy Team offer pastoral support to everyone, welcoming every faith, belief and culture and students with no faith, and can be contacted directly
  • The SU Advice Service offer support for students who have experienced any form of harassment, bullying or sexual violence, either on campus, online or off campus. You can access support here.

Escalate - Report your welfare concerns by making a report on the Report + Support platform. The information that you submit is received by the Central Safeguarding team, who will respond within 2 working days of receiving the report. 

Encourage the student to access their own support network e.g. friends, family, GP etc.  

There are two ways you can tell us what happened