I have a safeguarding concern


  • Is there an immediate danger? If you are on Campus and it is safe for you to do so, you can call Security on 0207  040 3333. If you are away from Campus, you can contact the emergency services on 999 (or 112 from a mobile phone).
  • Find a safe space.  If an incident has just happened, try and find somewhere you or the person at risk feels safe. 


  • Each School and Professional Services Directorate has a nominated Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSO) who is the first point of contact locally on all safeguarding matters, and who will advise you who can provide expert safeguarding advice. For further information about safeguarding referrals, see Safeguarding at City Policy contacts.


The University does not expect individuals reporting a concern to know for certain whether it is a safeguarding matter. Reporting allows you to share your concern with the team that have safeguarding responsibilities at the University, who will then assess the risk and determine the best course of action.  When reporting a safeguarding concern, please give as much information as possible about your concern including:  

  • Details of your specific concern e.g. What are you worried about, and why, when you first become aware of this concern, and how long has this been going on? 
  • Details of your most recent contact with the person at risk 
  • If the person you are raising a safeguarding concern about is aware?

There are also external agencies you can contact if there is an urgent safeguarding concern that arises out of hours. 


Students can connect with staff across the University:

  • Student Health and Wellbeing provide students with practical, emotional and specialist disability related support. Students can complete the e-referral form to access these services.
  • Student Support Services are a multi-disciplinary team that provides support, expert advice and guidance to students. You can contact them through our Support@City platform
  • The Chaplaincy Team offer pastoral support to everyone, welcoming every faith, belief and culture and students with no faith, and can be contacted directly
  • The SU Advice Service offer support for students who have experienced any form of harassment, bullying or sexual violence, either on campus, online or off campus. You can access support here.

Your mental health and wellbeing 

If you are supporting someone, make sure you look after yourself. If you’ve heard something distressing or if something is troubling you, you may also want to access support for yourself.  

  • Vivup, City St George's Employee Assistance Provider (0800 023 9324) - Their telephone helpline provides staff members with expert support for life's ups and downs - 24/7, 365 days a year. Whatever mental, physical, financial or personal issue you're facing, you can find a wide range of resources to help you. 
  • The Wellbeing@City Hub provides details of additional information and support on wellbeing for staff members.  

There are two ways you can tell us what happened