For students

Students can connect with staff across the University:

  • Student Health and Wellbeing provide students with practical, emotional and specialist disability related support. Students can complete the e-referral form to access these services.
  • Student Support Services are a multi-disciplinary team that provides support, expert advice and guidance to students. You can contact them through our Support@City platform
  • The Chaplaincy Team offer pastoral support to everyone, welcoming every faith, belief and culture and students with no faith, and can be contacted directly
  • The SU Advice Service offer support for students who have experienced any form of harassment, bullying or sexual violence, either on campus, online or off campus. You can access support here.

For staff 

  • Vivup, City St George's Employee Assistance Provider (0800 023 9324) - Their telephone helpline provides staff members with expert support for life's ups and downs - 24/7, 365 days a year. Whatever mental, physical, financial or personal issue you're facing, you can find a wide range of resources to help you. 
  • Security Services aims to ensure that City St George's is a safe and secure place for students, staff, and visitors.  They can assist with crime prevention, reporting and investigation.
  • The Multi Faith Chaplaincy Team provide general spiritual and pastoral support as well as faith-specific support. The team can also advise and work with other networks as the need arises. The Chaplaincy have an open door policy and are available to all staff regardless of belief.
  • The Staff Counselling Service offers free confidential support to staff.
  • The Wellbeing@City Hub provides details of additional information and support on wellbeing. 
  • Your line manager - Depending on the circumstances, you may also feel able to discuss the issue with your line manager, who will listen and provide support and guidance.

There are two ways you can tell us what happened