If you have been discriminated against there is a variety of support options available to meet your needs.  

For students   

Students can connect with staff across the University:

  • Student Health and Wellbeing provide students with practical, emotional and specialist disability related support. Students can complete the e-referral form to access these services.
  • Student Support Services are a multi-disciplinary team that provides support, expert advice and guidance to students. You can contact them through our Support@City platform
  • The Chaplaincy Team offer pastoral support to everyone, welcoming every faith, belief and culture and students with no faith, and can be contacted directly
  • The SU Advice Service offer advice and support for students who have experienced incidents either on campus, online or off campus. You can complete a case form here.

For staff

  • Vivup, City St George's Employee Assistance Provider (0800 023 9324) - Their telephone helpline provides staff members with expert support for life's ups and downs - 24/7, 365 days a year. Whatever mental, physical, financial or personal issue you're facing, you can find a wide range of resources to help you. 
  • City St George's Family and Carers Exchange Network is a forum which provides a platform for people to voice general concerns and ideas, allowing the core group to take these forward for implementation. It also provides an opportunity for networking and peer support between members.
  • City St George’s LGBTQI+ Network aims to raise the visibility of the LGBTQI+ community at City St George's. It meets regularly and holds events to discuss how to promote inclusivity and a greater understanding and awareness of dignity and diversity. It welcomes all City St George's staff members regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.
  • City St George's Network for Racial Justice (NRJ) is a staff affinity group for People of Colour (PoC). The NRJ aims to bring together PoC staff members, both professional and academic who feel passionate about racial justice and want to see a truly inclusive environment at City St George's.
  • CityUniWomen is a staff led network providing voice, opportunity and connection for all City St George's staff who identify as women.
  • City St George's WAND Network (staff network for Wellbeing, Accessibility, Neurodiversity & Disability) is a welcoming group for disabled staff, staff with long-term health conditions, staff who care for disabled dependents and staff with an interest in disability and mental health.
  • Faith and Belief Network is a multi-faith and belief network for all staff across City St George's. 
  • ​​​​​​​Human Resources - Contact your local HR Team for support and advice about policies which may apply in your circumstances. 
  • Security Services aims to ensure that City St George's is a safe and secure place for students, staff, and visitors.  They can assist with crime prevention, reporting and investigation.
  • The Multi Faith Chaplaincy Team provide general spiritual and pastoral support as well as faith-specific support. The team can also advise and work with other networks as the need arises. The Chaplaincy have an open door policy and are available to all staff regardless of belief.
  • The Staff Counselling Service offers free confidential support to staff.
  • The Wellbeing@City Hub provides details of additional information and support on wellbeing. 
  • Trade Unions - If you are a member of either University College Union (UCU), UNISON or Unite you can contact your representative for advice and support.
  • Your line manager - Depending on the circumstances, you may also feel able to discuss the issue with your line manager, who will listen and provide support and guidance.

Other sources of support for students and staff

  • ACAS (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) (0300 123 1100) offers a confidential helpline service for individuals who have a workplace problem. They can help by talking through options; however they cannot give an opinion or legal advice.  
  • Citizens Advice provide free and impartial advice on a range of issues.  They also have an extensive range of resources relating to discrimination.   
  • Equality Advisory & Support Service (0808 800 0082; Text phone: 0808 800 0084) is a helpline that advises and assists individuals on issues relating to equality and human rights, across England, Scotland and Wales.
  • Samaritans is a charity which provides 24-hour confidential emotional support to anyone in distress, struggling to cope or at risk of suicide. They can be reached on 116 123. 
  • Switchboard LGBT+ Helpline (0300 330 0630) provides an information, support and referral service for lesbians, gay men and bisexual and trans people, and anyone considering issues around their sexuality and/or gender identity.
  • Stonewall (0800 050 2020) provide a confidential Information Service, for LGBT communities and their allies which will signpost to advice services where appropriate.  
  • The Disability Rights Commission (DRC) provides a helpline service for people with disabilities, and who may have experienced discrimination.  

There are two ways you can tell us what happened